Bill Cosby - report

American comedian and media personality (born 1937)

William Henry Cosby Jr. is an American comedian, actor, and media personality. He has made significant contributions to American and African-American culture, and gained a reputation as "America's Dad" for his portrayal of Cliff Huxtable on The Cosby Show (1984–1992). He has received numerous awards and honorary degrees throughout his career, many of which were revoked following sexual assault allegations made against him in 2014.

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Significant news events for Bill Cosby

Cosby walked away from State Correctional Institutional Phoenix, in Shippack, Pennsylvania, just before 2:30 p.m., local time. The court said Cosby's due process rights were violated some of the women who claimed they suffered at hands of cause me. Two former prosecutors who reviewed the court’s decision said it is very common for prosecutors to tell defense attorneys that they don't plan to pursue charges.
Bill Cosby's spokesman said Wednesday was a “beautiful day’ not just for the disgraced TV star but for women across the county. “Millions of supporters and millions of women have gotten in touch with us and said ‘We know these women made up these allegations,’” Andrew Wyatt said. Cosby was convicted on assault charges against Andrea Constand and sentenced to three to 10 years behind bars. Cosby has been accused of sexual assault by more than 60 women.
Gloria Allred called the court's decision "devastating" Frida Ghitis says Cosby was subjected to a “coercive bait-and-switch’ Victoria Valentino, who accused Cosby of rape, said her "stomach is lurching" Bill Cosby was released from a state prison in Shippack, Pennsylvania, just before 2:30 p.m. (1830 GMT)
US comedian Bill Cosby's sexual assault conviction has been overturned by Pennsylvania's Supreme Court. Cosby, 83, has served more than two years of a three to 10-year sentence at a state prison near Philadelphia. He had been found guilty of drugging and molesting ex-basketball player Andrea Constand in 2004.