Alex Jones - report

American radio host and conspiracy theorist (born 1974)

Alexander Emerick Jones is an American far-right, alt-right radio show host and prominent conspiracy theorist. He hosts The Alex Jones Show from Austin, Texas, which the Genesis Communications Network broadcasts across the United States via syndicated and internet radio. Jones's website, InfoWars, promotes conspiracy theories and fake news, as do his other websites, NewsWars and PrisonPlanet. Jones has provided a platform and support for white nationalists, giving Unite the Right rally attendee and white supremacist Nick Fuentes a platform on his website, Banned.Video, as well as giving an "entry point" to their ideology.

2021 2023 2024 2025

Sentiment Over Time:
A visual representation of news coverage for Alex Jones

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Significant news events for Alex Jones

US far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones files for personal bankruptcy. Jones was ordered by a Connecticut court in October to pay $965 million in compensation to the families and surviving victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. Jones for years used his internet and radio shows to declare the 2012 massacre a hoax that relied on crisis actors to further a false narrative.
Connecticut court adds to the $965 million in damages the Infowars host owes to families and an FBI agent he defamed over the 2012 massacre. Jones told millions of listeners on his show that the shooting was a hoax and the victims were actors. Jones has asked the judge to order a new trial or at least reduce the compensatory damages to a "nominal" amount.
Second multimillion-dollar verdict against Jones in just over two months. The Connecticut jury found Jones liable for $965 million, with amounts reaching as high as $120 million for a single person. The verdict far outstripped the $49 million (£44.2 million) he was ordered to pay by a Texas jury in a similar case in August.
Alex Jones was found liable last year by default for damages to plaintiffs without a trial. Jones' shows had portrayed the Sandy Hook shooting as staged by crisis actors. In August, a jury in Austin ordered Jones to pay nearly $50 million in damages.
The far-right conspiracy theorist has already been dealt a major setback on the first day of his latest court battle. Jones has long claimed the massacre was a charade designed to give the government a reason to take away people's guns. He has already lost all three defamation cases against him.
Parents of slain child say Alex Jones led a "vile campaign of defamation" Jones was "patient zero" for the hoax theory, attorney says. Judge admonishes Jones for not being truthful during testimony. Jones said a $2 million penalty for defaming Sandy Hook families would "sink" Infowars.
Alex Jones claimed for years on his show that the Sandy Hook shooting was "staged" by gun control activists. The 48-year-old Jones has since acknowledged it was "100 percent real" Lawyer for parents of Sandy Hook victim Jesse Lewis says Alex Jones perjured himself.
The bankruptcy filing Sunday in Texas puts civil litigation on hold while the business reorganizes its finances. The move postpones founder Alex Jones' civil trial that had been scheduled to begin next week. Jones is currently embroiled in multiple defamation lawsuits in both Texas and Connecticut filed by family members of the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting.
Families of Sandy Hook victims reject offer to pay $120,000 per plaintiff. Alex Jones found guilty of defamation in multiple lawsuits last year. Jones had baselessly claimed the school shooting was a hoax and the families involved were "actors"