Ali Harbi Ali - report

2021 killing of a UK member of parliament

On 15 October 2021, Sir David Amess, a British Conservative Party politician and Member of Parliament for Southend West, died after being stabbed multiple times at a constituency surgery at Belfairs Methodist Church Hall in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. Ali Harbi Ali, a 25-year-old British man and Islamic State sympathiser, was arrested at the scene. He was found guilty of murder and the preparation of terrorist acts in April 2022, and was sentenced to life imprisonment with a whole life order.

2021 2023 2024 2025

Sentiment Over Time:
A visual representation of news coverage for Ali Harbi Ali

A graph that displays the sentiment of news articles about this person or organization over the course of the year. This graph will give you a visual representation of how the sentiment has changed over time and will help you understand any fluctuations in the sentiment.

Significant news events for Ali Harbi Ali