Maria Ressa - report

Filipino and American journalist (born 1963)

Maria Angelita Ressa is a Filipino and American journalist. She is the co-founder and CEO of Rappler. She previously spent nearly two decades working as a lead investigative reporter in Southeast Asia for CNN. She will become Professor of Professional Practice in the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University on July 1, 2024, and will be a Distinguished Fellow at Columbia's new Institute of Global Politics beginning in the fall of 2023.

2021 2022 2024 2025

Sentiment Over Time:
A visual representation of news coverage for Maria Ressa

A graph that displays the sentiment of news articles about this person or organization over the course of the year. This graph will give you a visual representation of how the sentiment has changed over time and will help you understand any fluctuations in the sentiment.

Significant news events for Maria Ressa