Nikki Haley - report

American politician (born 1972)

Nimarata Nikki Haley is an American politician who served as the 116th governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017. A member of the Republican Party, she was the 29th United States ambassador to the United Nations for two years, from January 2017 through December 2018. She is also the first Indian American to serve as a member of a presidential cabinet.

2021 2022 2024 2025

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Significant news events for Nikki Haley

GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley is drawing criticism for her response to a voter's question at a town hall. Haley repeatedly declined to agree the war was fought over the issue of slavery. Haley suggested that the question came from an unfriendly "Democratic plant"
Vivek Ramaswamy held up his notepad with the message, 'Nikki = Corrupt,' after blasting Nikki Haley for embracing the left's 'identity politics' The fourth candidate on stage, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, didn't get a chance to speak for the first 15-16 minutes of the debate.
Americans for Prosperity Action said it was ‘proud to throw our full support’ behind Ms Haley. The group announced it would plug up to $70 million into political races this year.
Haley slammed fellow 2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy after he brought up her daughter. The animosity between the two Indian-origin leaders has been simmering since early Republican debates. The tense exchange came amid debate over whether to ban the social media app TikTok.
Republican candidates took Vivek Ramaswamy to task at the party's second 2024 presidential debate. Nikki Haley said listening to him made her "a little bit dumber" every time.
Former Clinton adviser and Democrat pollster Mark Penn applauded Nikki Haley's performance. Penn: "I thought Nikki Haley showed real foreign policy experience. She showed foreign policy, you know, experience and knowledge far above anybody else"
'Not even close to accurate': Dale fact checks Haley's claim about crime. 'He's being hypocritical': Haley criticizes DeSantis' handling of Disney. 'The idea that we have biological boys playing in girls’ sports – it is the women’s issue of our time'
CNN anchor Don Lemon said that U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is no longer in her "prime" Lemon was referring to Haley's call for politicians over the age of 75 to take "mandatory mental-competency tests" Lemon later issued a statement saying he regretted his “inartful and irrelevant” references.
Haley, 51, broke barriers when she was elected governor of South Carolina in 2010, becoming the first woman to lead the state. The next US presidential election is scheduled to be held on November 5, 2024.
Haley, 51, faced criticism on social media after unearthed videos. Ex-UN Ambassador addressed questions about seatbelt mandates and Confederate states seceding from the Union.
Haley is positioning herself as a changemaker who can reinvigorate a party and country. She played up her personal background as a way to unite a nation strained by racial tensions. If elected, Haley would be the nation’s first female president.
Haley is expected to release details about her White House bid in an invitation to supporters later on Wednesday. The daughter of two Indian immigrants, Haley has gained a reputation in the Republican Party for her ability to address issues of gender and race.