Tim Walz - report

Governor of Minnesota since 2019

Timothy James Walz is an American politician who is the 41st governor of Minnesota since 2019 and the Democratic Party's nominee for vice president in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 2007 to 2019, representing Minnesota's 1st congressional district.

2021 2022 2023 2024

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Significant news events for Tim Walz

Ohio Sen. JD Vance is the first White House wannabe to wear facial hair in 80 years. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz received steady support from independent and Democratic debate watchers. Fox News Media’s simulcast of the CBS Vice Presidential Debate drew a staggering 10.4 million total viewers across platforms.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz made the gaffe while speaking about gun reform. He said he'd sat with parents of Sandy Hook victims, before adding that he's "become friends with school shooters" Walz previously claimed he was in China during the Tiananmen Square protests. The Democratic vice presidential pick previously came under fire for his military record.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, 60, accepted his party’s nomination as Kamala Harris’ running mate for the 2024 presidential election. Walz served in the Nebraska and Minnesota Army National Guards for 24 years. Oprah Winfrey, John Legend, Mindy Kaling and poet Amanda Gorman also on stage.
Tim Walz is better liked than JD Vance among US adults as Walz prepares to speak at the DNC. Walz gained traction during the veepstakes with his folksy mannerisms and viral comments advocating for the Democratic Party's agenda. John Legend will perform a Prince tribute ahead of his appearance on stage.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz faces fresh allegations of "stolen valor" Walz has been called everything from a ‘radical leftist’ to ‘Tampon Tim’ The mild-mannered Minnesota governor has been attacked from all angles by Republicans. Walz falsely claimed he is a “retired Command Sergeant Major” in a resurfaced 2009 video the then-Congressman recorded for soldiers from his own former division deploying to Iraq.
Kamala Harris picked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her 2024 vice presidential running mate. Walz, 60, served in the National Guard for 24 years after joining in 1981 when he was just 17 years old. In a video clip that the Harris campaign first posted, Walz is heard claiming he carried 'weapons of war' in war. He never deployed to “war” or a combat zone throughout his 24-plus years in the Army National Guard.
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is under fire for his handling of the George Floyd riots in May 2020. Walz resisted sending in the National Guard to address the escalating violence in the city for three days. After the third night of rioting, where a police precinct was set on fire, Walz admitted they had failed to properly respond. Donald Trump said Walz would be the "worst vice president in history"
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is the vice presidential running mate of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris. The 60-year-old Democrat rose to the forefront with a series of plain-spoken television appearances. Walz credited with helping launch the "weird" movement among fellow Democrats.